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Is it worth it to get the Cypress Gold Medal Card?

5 December 2010 No Comment

This past weekend I had my first snowboard trip of the season at Cypress Mountain. I had already purchased a 5 day-pass to Whistler, but one of the EIT’s at Hydro mentioned you could probably save some money with the Gold Medal Card. I decided to crunch the numbers to see if the Cypress Gold Medal Card was really worth it.

Ski runs at Cypress Mountain

The Situation

The Gold Medal Card is a loyalty program that allows skiers or riders to save 20% off lift tickets, and 40% off lift tickets purchased after late March. The Gold Medal Card itself is more expensive than a Full Day lift ticket, but the first lift ticket is included with the card.

Cypress Mountain Gold Medal Card

The Analysis

If you buy the Gold Medal Card and only go once for a Full Day you’re essentially $11 in the hole. Every subsequent time allows you to save $13 with a Full Day lift, or even less with an evening ticket.

Gold Medal Card analysis

Excel iconAnalysis in Excel (Right click to Save As). You can edit the spreadsheet to create your own scenario and see how much you could save with the Gold Medal Card.


If you are going to Cypress once this season, it is definitely not worth it to get the Gold Medal Card. Even getting the Gold Medal Card for two trips is borderline, as you would only save a meagre $2 for two full lift tickets. The Gold Medal Card is best suited for the skier or rider that isn’t going to the mountains once, but also does not want to get a seasons pass.

…in case you are wondering, I did purchase the Gold Medal Card!

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